Pick-Ups from 8/20 and 9/3


It’s been a few weeks since Patrick and I sat down to collaborate on our blog. Sorry about that! We’ve been keeping busy though and there’s lots to discuss!

Our first trip we’re going to discuss was on August 20th. Holy molee, that was a while back! We had a good day though.

At one of our first sales, we asked about games and they had a Nintendo DS for us! They also had a Nook for books. Ha!


Paid $15 an valued at $65. Nice start to the day!

We saw a sign nearby so decided to stop. Here’s what we got:


Neat! Now I can talk to Rumi if he goes outside without me. Haha, that won’t be necessary, we always go out together. Paid $2 and valued at $25 if we can get the charger to work.

The next sale we found stuff at was one we were looking forward to. We got a bunch of stuff:


Boxed N64 games! Neat! But wait, there’s more!


Boxed Wii with Wii Sports! Plus one more thing:


So this was a good amount of stuff. We paid $40 for everything and value it at $200. Nice!

Phew, only a few finds so far, but it was already a good day. We usually keep going until around 11:00 so there was a long way, and a walk, to go.

Our next pick-up was this:


A few games and a couple of goodies. New in Box has been Patrick’s favorite idea for pick-ups this year. We paid $13 for everything and think it’s worth $50. Not bad.

At this point it was definitely getting later on in the morning, so we were taking our time and looking up values on Amazon and Ebay (You gotta have an edge!). We bought this after we looked it up:


Paid $5 and think we can sell it for $30. We don’t know anything about car stereos so this was definitely a bit of a risk for us, but for $5 we decided to take a chance. Trying new things is fun!

Since we specialized in video games for so long, we have a lot of knowledge about them. Because of that, it’s always funny to find out what people bought and what they left behind, like this:


We paid $10 for all of this that someone else left behind (they only bought the games) and value it all at $65. Games are great to find, but profit is what we’re after!

We had a few sales left and were hoping for that one last pick-up to round out the day. Here’s what we got:


A gold Zelda for the Nintendo 64? Yes please! Our diligence paid off as they had one game out (Star Wars) and we asked about more. We paid $25 for the lot and value it at $130. Awesome!

So we did pretty well that day. We spent $110 (about average) and we probably get about $350 in profit. Not bad for just a few hours a week!

We skipped August 27th because Patrick went to ride the roller coasters at Six Flags. No thank you! I like to keep my feet on the ground…unless I’m doing back-flips of course.

Our next adventure was last weekend on September 3rd. We got started at 7:00 and were going to try and hit as many of the 40 sales in our area as we could.

The first sale listed video games so of course we wanted to be there first. We were 3rd, but somehow all of the games were still there!

Here’s what we got:


We asked about anything else and they brought out some more:


Wow! A nice lot of games that’s for sure! They actually brought out a bunch more Pokemon games, but after looking through them took them all back inside. That’s the second time this year that someone has done that to us. Oh well, we’re really happy with what we got.

We paid $40 for everything and value it at $250. A GREAT way to start the day!!!

Our second pick-up was a great example of keeping a positive attitude. The sale was full of antiques, but was being run by a younger gentleman. We asked him about video games and look what he had!

Nice. He only wanted $15 for the lot so we did very well as we value it all at $95. We love Mario Kart 64! That was Patrick’s favorite game in college.

The next sale was a bit of a wild card. We hadn’t planned to go to it, but saw the sign and decided to stop. Here’s what we stumbled across:


Paid $3 and valued at $135. Holee Molee! We were super excited to find them!

This adventure really seemed to be a good one as we just kept finding good stuff!

At the next sale we stopped at we found this:


If that was all we got we’d have been happy, but we also asked about video games and they brought this lot out:


Wow! They wanted $45 for everything and we’ve valued it all at $185. Are we rock stars? Because I feel like a rock star.

So we were getting pretty late in the day, but it’s still funny to find stuff that people passed over. Here’s what our next find was:


We sell these guitars all the time and are amazed that we keep finding them so late in the day and for such a cheap price! We paid $13 for all of the (plus some new in box flower vases that we gave to Sharron) and value it all at $70 ($85 if we include the flower vases).

The next sale we stopped at was from a sign we saw. Those have been a gold mine of video games for us as nobody else knows about them either. Here’s what we got:

Nothing fantastic, but we only paid $4 for everything and value it all at $25.

Our last find of the day was pretty small, but hey, it all adds up right? Here’s what we got:


We also got some Egyptian stationary that we bought or Sharron (We got her a lot of presents this week!). We paid $10 for everything and value it all at $40. Not as much fun as the last find we got 2 weeks ago, but it’s always fun to find stuff, no matter how small.

So that’s it for our first adventure in September. We spent $125 and will probably net about $500 in profit. Wow! A great week for us!

We hope you did well too! See you next adventure!

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