Tag Archives: DS

Pre-Season Pick-Ups 4/22

Hello friends! Next weekend sales will REALLY kick-off, but there were still a bunch this weekend! We had 12 on our list but only made it to 7 (and one was CLOSED!). I think you know what that means! The … Continue reading

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Pick-Ups from 9/24 (Season Ender?)

Hello everyone! Only 1 trip to report on this week…even though it’s from 2 weekends ago. Patrick and I didn’t go out last weekend as we’ve been super busy at home. Sharron has been sick, so we’ve been taking GREAT … Continue reading

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Pick-ups from 9/10 and 9/17

Hello again! 2 week intervals seem to be working better for us, so we’re back after 2 weeks. Lot to talk about, so let’s get into it! On 9/10, we headed out early to a sale that had LEGO in … Continue reading

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Pick-Ups from 8/20 and 9/3

Hello! It’s been a few weeks since Patrick and I sat down to collaborate on our blog. Sorry about that! We’ve been keeping busy though and there’s lots to discuss! Our first trip we’re going to discuss was on August … Continue reading

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Duncan’s Latest Pick-Ups

Hi!  My name is Duncan!  (In case you forgot).  Patrick has been SUPER busy so hasn’t been able to update my blog in a couple of weeks.  Lots to talk about so let’s get to it! Starting on 5/28 (Patrick’s … Continue reading

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Tag Sale Finds 5/21

After last weekend’s success, I was SUPER excited to go out this weekend. We had LOTS of sales to go to and many of them sounded amazing! We left the house just after 7:00 (after a walk of course) and … Continue reading

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Pick-Ups from 5/14

Oh my gosh, where to begin!?  Busy week last week as everyone must be doing spring cleaning!  There were 4(!) neighborhood sales.  We went to all of them!  Wow! Patrick woke me up at 6:15 and we were out the … Continue reading

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Tag Sale Finds 5/7

Patrick started the weekend off by stopping at a sale on his way to work on Friday. Here’s what he got: He only paid $2 and they even came with brand new tapes! We’re valuing them at $38. The weather … Continue reading

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Week of 9/5 – 9/12 Pick-Ups

This should be the last Tag Sale update of the season (SAD face) and as you can tell, the write-up is WAY late! Patrick has been super busy and so we took a long time to take inventory of our … Continue reading

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Week of 7/26 – 8/1 Pick-Ups

No finds during the week again, so everything we found is from tag sales again this week. Patrick told me he was going to stop at a few on the way home from the airport Friday after dropping Sharron off. … Continue reading

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