Week of 8/9 – 8/15 Pick Ups

Saturday morning rolled around and Patrick woke me and Parker up early so that he and I could go to some Tag Sales. We only had 10 on our list, but were hoping we could find some good finds!

Our first stop had potential. I had looked at the listing and told Patrick that it was a good one. He agreed so we went there first. We were right and they had some PS2 games out, but nothing great. We enquired about other stuff and the people there said that they had EVERYTHING out this morning but that their son had taken it ALL back inside. Le Sigh. Oh well, at least our instincts are good!

The next place we stopped wasn’t open yet! We usually just go in order of convenience for us and hope that places will let us in early if we stop there. Oh well, on to the next one! As I always say, you gotta stay positive!

We quickly headed through some back roads and made it to another sale with potential in Granby. I like the long drives as I can snuggle in or look around while Patrick drives. We weren’t the first people there, but we had first pick of the games they had. Again, our instincts were right, but they didn’t have much. Here’s what we bought:


Paid $2 and valued at $20. They also had a Sega Genesis, but nothing worth picking up. We broke the ice though so that’s always good!

While heading to our next sale, we decided to stop at a sale that started on Friday. We don’t normally do that as they’ve usually sold all their good stuff by Saturday, but we’ve been having luck in Granby. Paydirt!


After asking, they brought Black Ops II out and then showed us one of the PS3 Sixaxis controllers. They only wanted $5 (great deal) so we were definitely going to buy them. Patrick though, kept sniffing around (ha!), and they said they did still have the PS3 system but that it didn’t work. We asked if they’d be willing to sell it and they said yes! Bought everything for $25 and valued at $135. Plus, Patrick and I can do some repairs to the PS3 which is totally fun!

Patrick took me on a quick walk after this sale to celebrate. Plus, it was a cul-de-sac, so you know, safety first!

We hit a few more sales before heading home for the day. Didn’t find much, but we had a nice time.

But wait, there’s more! Patrick had to run some errands later in the day and decided to stop at a few more sales that we didn’t know about. What is the deal with that? Why don’t people advertise?

At the first sale, they took him inside and showed him some great Wii games. He was negotiating when the Dad asked the Mom why she was selling the games. Patrick put the games down and left nicely. He’s so nice!

The next sale though he found a few things:


Nothing too exciting, but some good stuff. Paid $10 and valued at $50.

Not a bad weekend overall!

Spent: $37

Value if we sold everything individually: $205

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